Pesto di capperi di Salina
Salina caper pesto, the perfect recipe for aperitifs and tasty first courses
cucina siciliana
Salina's caper pesto is the perfect condiment for pasta dishes and delicious appetizers ready in a few minutes. As is the recipe for the pesto its...
Melanzane sott'olio alla siciliana ricetta senza cottura
Sicilian aubergines in oil, the recipe with and without cooking to satisfy all tastes
cucina siciliana
Summer, time for preserves and Sicilian-style aubergines in oil . Yes, because on the island, the tradition linked to the preservation of vegetable...
Pasta ncasciata alla siciliana ricetta Montalbano
Pasta ncasciata alla siciliana, the recipe of the first loved by Montalbano
cucina siciliana
The recipe for Sicilian 'ncasciata pasta is, we challenge anyone not to know it, the favorite dish of Inspector Montalbano . Baked first course of ...
Granita siciliana al pistacchio ricetta originale
Sicilian pistachio granita, the original recipe for a timeless delight
dolci siciliani
Sun, heat, desire for something fresh: Sicilian pistachio granita seems to be the winning answer. The homemade one has the added value of being ab...
Caponata siciliana ricetta originale cucina regionale
Sicilian caponata, the original recipe of a classic of regional cuisine
cucina siciliana
The Sicilian caponata needs no introduction: its original recipe is a relic, especially if handed down from grandmother to granddaughter complete w...
Granita fragola messinese ricetta siciliana
Messina strawberry granita, the fresh and creamy Sicilian recipe
cucina siciliana
Strawberry granita from Messina is one of the flagships of Sicilian cuisine . The Sicilian pastry shop, in fact, does not only offer cannoli and ca...
Pasta con le sarde palermitana ricetta originale
Pasta with sardines Palermo-style, the original recipe
cucina siciliana
How to prepare Sicilian pasta with sardines: from Palermo cuisine, a first course of cheap fish loved throughout Italy.
Pitoni messinesi street food siciliano
Pitoni Messina, the original recipe of Sicilian street food
cucina siciliana
The Messina pythons , whose recipe can be easily made at home, are one of the staples of the city's gastronomy. If you know them you can't help bu...
Cassata siciliana al forno, la ricetta originale
Baked Sicilian cassata, the original recipe
cucina siciliana
Baked cassata is the lightest (if one can say so) version of the classic, riot of sugars and colors that we all know. Particularly appreciated on t...
Falsomagro alla siciliana, la ricetta delle feste
Falsomagro alla siciliana, the recipe for the holidays
cucina siciliana

The Sicilian “falsomagro” with the original recipe of the second course of traditional meat that is prepared for the holidays.

Macco di fave fresche, la ricetta siciliana
Macco of fresh broad beans, the Sicilian recipe
cucina siciliana
The famous Sicilian macco of fresh broad beans, a spring recipe of Sicilian cuisine that can also be enjoyed with pasta.
Sfince di san Giuseppe, la ricetta originale siciliana
Sfince di san Giuseppe, the original Sicilian recipe
dolci siciliani
The recipe of the sfince di san Giuseppe with ricotta, Sicilian sweets for Father's Day in Palermo and beyond.